10 Ways To Prepare For A Personal Financial Crisis
The thought of being hit with a major negative event that could affect your finances, like a job loss, illness or car accident, can keep anyone awake at night. But the prospect of something expensive, and beyond your control, happening becomes less threatening if you're properly prepared.
To learn how you can minimize the impact of a such an event, read my latest Investopedia article, 10 Ways To Prepare For A Personal Financial Crisis. In it, I discuss how to maximize your liquid savings, minimize your monthly bills, take stock of your non-cash assets, earn extra cash, and more.
To learn how you can minimize the impact of a such an event, read my latest Investopedia article, 10 Ways To Prepare For A Personal Financial Crisis. In it, I discuss how to maximize your liquid savings, minimize your monthly bills, take stock of your non-cash assets, earn extra cash, and more.