Lender will buy your car after four years under new loan program
Photo: Mrs. FireMom
Last fall, Ally Financial unveiled a new form of vehicle financing that works as a traditional auto loan but allows the buyer to sell the vehicle to Ally after four years.
The rollout of Ally Buyer’s Choice started in just a handful of states. Now the program is available in 29 states with plans for future expansion.
Find out how Buyer's Choice works in my Interest.com article, Lender will buy your car after four years under new loan program.
Last fall, Ally Financial unveiled a new form of vehicle financing that works as a traditional auto loan but allows the buyer to sell the vehicle to Ally after four years.
The rollout of Ally Buyer’s Choice started in just a handful of states. Now the program is available in 29 states with plans for future expansion.
Find out how Buyer's Choice works in my Interest.com article, Lender will buy your car after four years under new loan program.