A credit card that helps pay down student debt?
Photo: baaker2009
Sallie Mae, the giant student lender, says you can use the rewards you accumulate from its cash-back credit card to pay down eligiblestudent loans.
But if I were a student -- or a recent graduate -- I'd hesitate to sign up for this card, despite its sign-up bonus and benefits.
Find out why in my Interest.com article, A credit card that helps pay down student debt?
Sallie Mae, the giant student lender, says you can use the rewards you accumulate from its cash-back credit card to pay down eligiblestudent loans.
But if I were a student -- or a recent graduate -- I'd hesitate to sign up for this card, despite its sign-up bonus and benefits.
Find out why in my Interest.com article, A credit card that helps pay down student debt?